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General Prevention Measures

Through Administrative Decision No. 1198/21 , it was established that, as of January 1, 2022, people 13 years of age or older must have a Sanitary Pass that certifies the complete vaccination schedule against COVID-19 in order to attend the next activities:

  • dance venues, discos or the like that take place in closed spaces;
  • party halls for dances, dances or the like that take place in closed spaces;
  • group trips for graduates, students, retirees and retirees or similar;
  • massive organized events of more than a thousand people that take place in open and closed spaces or outdoors.

The vaccination schedule must have been completed at least 14 days before attending the activity or event.

The form of accreditation will be through the application "Cuidar - System of prevention and citizen care against COVID-19". It must be exhibited at the request of public or private personnel designated for its verification and at the time prior to accessing the entrance of the event or activity.

ARTICLE 5.- If the self-diagnosis shows any symptoms compatible with COVID-19 or if the person is notified in the National Health Surveillance System as an active case of COVID-19, the screen of the “Care” application will be blocked – System of prevention and citizen care against COVID-19 without allowing access to any other screen or certificate, until this condition is modified, regardless of having the complete vaccination schedule.

People who could not access the application, as long as they are not suffering from the disease, may request from the competent jurisdictional authority the vaccination certificate against COVID-19 in paper and/or digital format, as required by the citizen. or the citizen, in which the doses applied and notified to the Nominalized Federal Vaccination Registry (NOMIVAC) are stated.

The implementation of the health pass is part of the strategies to expand vaccination coverage that the national portfolio and the provinces have been promoting.

The Ministry of Health of the Nation will determine the criteria for defining the complete vaccination scheme against COVID-19, and the authorities of the jurisdictions will establish the necessary control procedures to guarantee compliance with the measure.

In addition, jurisdictions may require accreditation of the full scheme for activities in addition to those mentioned above, depending on the epidemiological situation, the local vaccination plan, and advances in vaccination coverage against COVID-19.

General category
Source of information
Presidency of the Nation
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