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Documents required for entry.

Nationals : passport or identity card.

Nationals of Mercosur and associated countries : passport or identity card.

Other nationalities : passport.

Also VISA for those nationalities that are required.

Law No. 18,250

Migration Law. .

General category
Source of information
National Parliament.
Info (Listado de Nacionalidades).

To know the nationalities for which Uruguay requires a Visa to enter the country, consult the following link:


Info (Tipos de visas y requisitos).

To know the types of visa and their specificities, see here:


Decree No. 356/018.

To start the process, go to the following link:

Visa application.

Term of stay for the different types of visa.

Tourist Visa : 90 days extendable for 90 more days, according to Decree No. 394/009.

Business Visa: 90 days extendable for 90 more days, according to Decree No. 394/009.

Work Visa : Your permanence in the country will depend on the corresponding migratory subcategory, permanent or temporary resident, in accordance with the provisions of articles 10 and 11 of Decree No. 394/009 of August 24, 2009.

In order to manage your residence, you will have a period of 30 days from the date of entry into the country.

See filing module on the platform to know the requirements and means for its management.

Study Visa : Your permanence in the country will be regulated according to the terms established in article 11 literal b and c of Decree 394/009, of August 24, 2009.

In order to manage your temporary residence, you will have a period of 30 days from the date of entry into the country.

See filing module on the platform to know the requirements and means for its management.

Family reunification visa: The period of permanence in the country will be the same as that granted in the permanent residence or in process, of the relative with whom he requests reunification. In order to manage your residence, you will have a period of 30 days from the date of entry into the country.

Humanitarian and emergency visa: Your stay will be for the time that the cause that gives merit to your entry takes.

Visa for national or international congresses, conventions and seminars:

The length of stay will be 90 days, extendable for an additional 90 days, in accordance with article 3 literal a) of Decree No. 394/009, of August 24, 2009.

Decree No. 356/018

The extension process is carried out before the DNM online:

Extension of permanence.

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