This section must be updated in the category "Requisitos de entrada"
Vaccine | Aerial, Land & Maritime | Nationals / Foreigners and resident foreigners & Foreign people
Foreign and Nationals traveling to Guyana have mandatory documents to be presented when entering the country.
It is necessary to be fully vaccinated to enter the country.
Vaccine Exemption Vaccination exemptions shall be applicable for the following reasons:
- Passengers who are advised against being vaccinated for medical reasons must present a “Letter of Exemption” from a licensed medical practitioner.
- Partially vaccinated means those who have received the first dose of an approved vaccine.
- Domestic travel.
Formulario de declaración de salud | Aérea | Nacionales / Extranjeros y extranjeras residentes, Personas extranjeras
Es necesario completar el Formulario de Declaración de Salud (HDF) (antes Formulario Localizador de Pasajeros).
Más información sobre el HDF:
Debe completar este documento al menos 24 horas antes del viaje.
Se recomienda encarecidamente a los viajeros que envíen el formulario a más tardar 24 horas antes de viajar a Guyana.
Submitted by paulagomez on