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Measures against COVID - 19

Biosecurity and prevention measures are required, providing such Procedures.

• Permanent use of chinstrap;

• Frequent hand washing and use of alcohol;

• Distance of 1.5 to 2 meters between people;

• Do not stay in closed or non-ventilated spaces.

• Others issued by the Ministry of Health and Sports.

Guidelines for the management of COVID. MSyD

• The economic activities of the different sectors are maintained, complying with the Protocols and biosafety measures mentioned above.

• In the same way for the activities of local, municipal, interprovincial, interdepartmental and cable public transport.

• People who carry out commercial border transit activities must comply with the same and the Protocols.

• Entities that carry out activities at international airports must carry out periodic control tests for COVID-19 on their staff.

• We can mention the following measures:

• The limitation of circulation is not verified, but provisions are established for the Labor Day of the public and private sectors.

• It is intended to avoid crowds, so staggered entry hours are foreseen, and teleworking as a permanent option.

• Within this framework, Protocols were issued for opening hours in Shopping Centers and other types of establishments.

• Suspension of social events that gather people.

• Capacity for sports, cultural and religious activities in closed spaces.

• Capacity for services in restaurants, shopping centers, bars, discos and other recreational establishments.

• In public and private entities avoid lines and crowds;

• Communications by virtual means, facilitating additional hours and environments for attention.

For more information consult the following link:

Decree Nº 4577/021


General category
Source of information
Presidency of the Plurinational State of Bolivia
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