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Measures against COVID - 19

Sanitary measures.



Biosecurity measures are adopted:

Wearing masks, frequently washing hands, covering one's nose and mouth (with a disposable tissue or flexed elbow) when sneezing or coughing, avoiding close contact, distancing, checking for symptoms (fever, cough and difficulty breathing), seeking medical attention.


For  various activities obligatory protocols and seating capacities are approved: 

These are published on the web page of the Ministry of Public Health :

MSP - Recomendaciones y Protocolos. 


Activities are enabled

 . Opening of public shows, parties and social events, food courts in commercial premises, movie theaters, amateur sports.

 . Use of public transport.

. Return of presence in Education and Public Offices.


All complying with the protocols and statements approved by the Ministry of Public Health.

Decree Nº 199/021


General category
Source of information
Presidency of the Republic
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