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Entry requirements


For nationals and resident foreigners:

The requirements for entry according to Order Nº 649/020 MSP are:

  • 1.  Present negative PCR test for COVID-19, valid for 72 hours before starting the trip.

    Not required for children under 6 years of age.

    It is possible to present it in advance, but this modality is not mandatory.

  • 2. Affidavit. People, whether nationals or foreigners, who intend to enter the country by any means: air, sea or land, regardless of their cause of entry, must complete the form approved for such purposes by the Ministry of Public Health, which arises from the link provided.

Procedure for admission.

  • The use of a facial mask is mandatory.
  • 3. Preventive Social Isolation:

All people who enter for more than 7 days, must perform mandatory preventive social isolation for 14 days, being able to shorten the term by performing another PCR test after 7 days, in the country, in case of negative, the quarantine is lifted.

The isolation is carried out in the addresses reported in the Affidavit and in the modality that was chosen and is declared in it.


Important: exceptions to preventive isolation compliance:


1. Those people who have already carried the SARS CoV-2 virus, within the last ninety days prior to shipment or arrival in the country, must prove that they had had the disease by means of a positive result of the PCR-RT test or antigen detection test, made between 20 and 90 days prior to shipment.

2. Those persons who certify that they have received the single dose or the two doses, as corresponds to the type of vaccine supplied, against the SARS CoV-2 virus approved by their country of origin, within the last six months prior to shipment or arrival at the country and once the respective waiting periods for effective immunity have been fulfilled, they must prove with the certificate issued by the health authority of their country of origin, which proves the vaccination and compliance with the aforementioned deadlines.


Said information is attached to the respective "sworn statement" and must be stated if they choose to perform the new PCR test on the 7th day.

In these last two cases, they should not perform prior isolation until the 7th day, depending on the results of the same.

If they choose not to perform the PCR test on that date, they must isolate for 14 days from the date of entry into the country.

Decree Nº 195/020



In the framework of the cases included in the exceptions, the same requirements are demanded of nationals and residents:

• 1. Have a negative PCR test for COVID-19.

• 2. Affidavit. Both in the terms previously expressed.

• 3. It is added to have a health insurance with coverage in the country for COVID-19.

• 4. Have the respective authorizations for entry.

• 5. With regard to preventive social isolation, the aforementioned provisions also apply to them.

In the case of minors under 18 years of age, who come from a country in which no type of vaccine against the aforementioned virus has been approved for their age group, they must comply with the isolation determined by the sanitary regulations in general, together with their family.

The authorities of the Ministry of Public Health are in charge of compliance control.

The entry of tourists is not allowed.

Decree Nº 279/021.



General category
Source of information
Ministry of Tourism
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