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Travel documents

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Travel documents

Nationals : passport or identity card. Those expired from nationals are accepted, only for entry.

Nationals of Mercosur and Associated States : passport or identity card.

Other Nationalities : passport.

Visa for those nationalities that are required.

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Nationals : passport or identity card.

Nationals of Mercosur and associated countries : passport or identity card.

Other nationalities : passport.

Also VISA for those nationalities that are required.

Law No. 18,250

Migration Law. .

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Nationals : passport or identity card.

Nationals of Mercosur and Associated States : passport or identity card.

Other Nationalities : passport.

For people of Venezuelan nationality, the trip is authorized with expired documents and they have residence.

Visa for the nationalities that are required.


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For Nationals : passport or identity card.

The current regulations for the validity of expired certificates are extended.

For nationals of Mercosur and Associated States : passport or identity card.

Other nationalities : passport. Visa for those nationalities that are required.

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Nationals : Passport or DNI.

Nationals of Mercosur and Associated States : Passport or Identity Card (Decisions of the MERCOSUR Common Market Council No. 18/08, 37/14 and 46/15).

Extra Mercosur foreigners : Passport.

Visas when required.

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Air, land and sea

Supreme Decree No. 130-2022-PCM was created, which repeals Supreme Decree No. 016-2022-PCM, which declared the State of National Emergency. The Affidavit, the vaccination card and the molecular test are no longer necessary to enter the country.

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Nationals : Colombian passport or citizenship card.

Nationals under 18 years of age (NNA): Colombian passport or identity card or birth certificate.

Foreign people :


CAN - MERCOSUR: national identity document.

CAN - MERCOSUR: alien identity card.

Temporary Protection Permit - PPT for Venezuelan nationals.

Visa for the nationalities that are required.

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Nationals : The entry of nationals is allowed, who must respect the sanitary protocol and present the required documentation

Foreigners : The entry of foreigners is allowed, who must respect the sanitary protocol and present the required documentation

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